Friday, October 29, 2010

Chef's Table

We recently hosted a Chef's Table for the winners of a charity auction.  Here are som pics:
Dotted Rose Snapper, Shiitake "Bacon", Spring Pea Puree
 Notice the resemblence to the pics from Rick Moonen's ICC presentation.  We made our dish with local snapper rather than the striped bass.  I can understand now why they chose striped bass.  The shape of the body makes it a clear choice for this application.
Watermelon Gazpacho, Cucumber Sorbet, Tomato Gelee

Pepper Cured Pork Cheeks, Smoked Maple Molasses, Granny Apple Slaw
So, I found a use for the irregular cuts of pork cheek that I was talking about in a recent post.  Since the pieces were so unevenly sized, I decided to glue them together with transglutaminase and press them into an even block.  I rubbed them with a peppercorn cure, and sous vide them to 150F.  If I were to do it again, I would change the cure recipe.  It's pretty much a dash of coriander away from being pork cheek pastrami.  Which, by the way, has a nice ring and it was tasty, just not what my end goal was.

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