The building of reference is located in the center of the picture above. Quite a view at night.
Back to our new favorite internet tool; Google Earth. We found the images and then discovered that there are three-dimensional models of them available for downloading. Yeah!
After learning how use the program, we isolated the main shapes of the building and used a measuring tool on the program to get the dimensions.
Now, on to the scale. I'm no engineer, so keep your comments on the constructive side. To pick the scale I used one dimension on the base map that I know I wanted, which was ten inches. I took the actual dimension from the building (149 feet), changed the feet to inches and simply divided my 10 inches by that to arrive at a scale of .067. Every dimension from here on out will be based on that.
Since we need gingerbread to actually make this project, we enlisted the help of our own resident baker, Greg. After testing a couple of recipes we settled on one that we removed all of the leaveners from, in order to get the densest bread possible. Gingerbread lumber basically.
Last year, we cut the dimensions of the structures into the dough and then baked them. While this made for less waste, the results were inconsistent. Lots of swelling, shrinking and worst of all rounded freakin' edges. Using the excuse that I must capitalize on every mistake, I bought a band saw.
This thing cuts through gingerbread like butter. Geez, I need a haircut.
For the Polar Express gingerbread project, we used gummie bears to represent the elves. This year, we needed something new. Thanks to Faye and Jon's idea, we will be using mini gingerbread men. Now, where does one find a gingerbread man that would fit our scale? I'm pretty sure that they don't exist. What we're looking for would be about the same size as a gummie bear, but like I said, we can't go there again.
So, I bought a copper gingerbread man cookie cutter for reference and because I can re-engineer the copper into a miniature cutter that fits my scale. Or.... I can use Jon's brilliant idea: Teddy Grahams!
We can rebuild him. Stronger, faster, and...oh yeah, less ears.
"Your transformation is complete.......Rise Lord Ginger!"
Back to the fun....
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